Thursday, January 8, 2009

How much weight did you gain during pregnancy?

So I am now full term and AGAIN went over the 20-30 lbs that I was suppose to gain. However, I think it is interesting that I have pretty much gained exactly the same amount I did with my first pregnancy even though I have a completely different lifestyle now.

Anyway - I am curious how many women actually gain the appropriate amount of weight during their pregnancies? Please take our poll so we can see what the numbers come out as.


Anonymous said...

You are adorable!! And remember, having a Dennis baby means having a big healthy baby!:)
Love ya, Nanci D

Anonymous said...

I personally think that Doctors put too much stress on every little pound gained. If you are not at high risk and feel good and listen to to your body then the amount of weight you gain is the amount you are supposed to gain. I also think that the stress we are under does more harm than anything. are doing great! are not the only one that has felt like a clown with a hula hoop under her pants!!! Though, I felt more like a beached whale!
Hang in there!
Love, Becky G.

Naihe Family said...

Don't worry too much. Its hard being pregnant. Are you almost done? I think some doctors stress way too much about it. We have a blog too, its

Hope all is well with you and your family, your little boy is just adorable, and congrats on another little boy. I know they will have so much fun together!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other comments. Amber, you are beautiful, and won't be a clown with a hula hoop forever. Just make sure you eat relativey healthy and stay as active as you can this far along and things will be fine. Worry about the weight after you recover from hving another beautiful baby!


Tane and Angela said...

hey amber! i didn't know you had a blog too...don't worry about your weight..just as long as the baby and you are can always worry about the weight after-maybe you'll have a 20 pound baby=) lol..hope everything is going well with you and your family! good luck with labor and post lots of pictures!

The Dennis' said...

I think that it really just depends on the person. I gained almost 50 lbs the first 2 times, but the 3 I only gained 20. But my life style was so much different then. And remember Ty is the father, so that pretty much is why.... I miss you and love you and wish we could come visit, but you know how that goes...

Erika Allred said...

Hey Amber! I hope all is well with you guys. I agree with what everyone has written. It is so different with each person, with each pregnancy really!. Some people retain water more then others. Either way, good luck with everything! Worry about the weight after the baby comes out . Take care!

Dennis Family said...

I agree...don't get me wrong I am not really concerned particularly since I gained the same amount with Moroni.

I have to say I am surprised with how many people gained around 20 lbs. I have never talked to anyone that stayed within that weight, but I guess it only comes up if you are getting yelled at for gaining to much or not enough.

I know a great deal of it is water weight - or atleast that was the case with Moroni; I am cool with whatever I gain and I am content if I lose it in 8-12 months postpartum. Really I am not concerned just curious how many people stay within the guidelines :)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about it. I watched my weight during my first pregnancy and my doctor had me worried constantly. I didn't pay much attention to my weight gain during my second pregnancy, and I gained about 10 pounds less. My midwife was a lot more relaxed about it, and every time I gained weight she cheered me on. I just ate what I wanted, but made sure it was healthy. We don't eat processed foods anymore. We stopped counting calories and started counting chemicals. If I can't pronounce it, or I don't know what it is then I don't eat it. I make more from scratch, but we enjoy the food more. Thirty pounds is supposed to be normal, but that's if you're having smaller babies. My mom is 5'2" and my dad is 6'3" and she gained 50 pounds with each of her pregnancies and she's a total health nut. No junk food, just a lot of healthy stuff and proteins. She also had big 9 and 10 babies. Don't worry about it, and just enjoy having a good excuse to eat what you're craving. Cravings are, after all, your babies way of telling you what he needs.
Love you.