Sunday, March 22, 2009

Moroni is 2!!!

While Moroni was sick we didn't want to have a party with kids because we didn't want to risk spreading croup around so we invited Jeff and Becky over and just an intimate little party. It was Moroni's first experience with cake and ice cream and he loved it!! He certainly enjoyed the trucks that were on the top of the cake!


Tane and Angela said...

oh no! first time with cake and ice cream? that's probably gonna be his FAVORITE meal. lol..can't believe he's 2! i remember when you just had him.

The Price Family said...

Wow he is such a grown up now. I miss you guys so much. i can't wait til one more year is over and we will be closer to you. Hopefully we will be going to grad school down the road or something from you.
Ty's beard is AWESOME. Jesse would be so jealous

Happy Birthday Moroni! ! !