Sunday, March 1, 2009

Labor and Delivery

This labor and delivery was completely different than with Moroni. Starting around the middle of the second trimester I was having a lot of braxton hicks contractions. They continued to grow stronger and stronger and by the time I was in the last trimester they were as strong as early labor with Moroni. I figured it was a good thing - maybe I would progress more during these pre-labor contractions and the actual labor would be shorter than the 36 hours that I had with Moroni.

The last month of the pregnancy it was like I was in constant labor. I could lessen the contractions if I laid down, but they seemed nonstop. Some contractions would last several minutes with only short breaks in between. My uterus and I were exhausted; the uterus would cramp up with every contraction which only increased the discomfort. I went into the midwife and complained about the discomfort and lack of sleep. She stripped my membranes and and I used a labor tincture and by that night - or early morning we were on our way to the hospital. However, with all the extra pain from the cramping and strong contractions I didn't make it through the natural labor that I wanted. Instead of natural I took the epidural as soon as they would give it to me :) After that it was smooth sailing. The baby was posterior when I could feel the labor, but go figure he turned after the epidural - at least he was able to come out easier that way.

At around 6 in the morning we were ready to push. When the midwife got there it was just a few pushes and out he came. The best part is Ty delivered the baby. That was so cool!! I really loved the midwife and enjoyed the laid back intimate environment that the midwife brought to the whole experience. If we are still here for the next baby I am definitely going with the same midwife. Hopefully I can do it without the irritable uterus and posterior baby!

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